What did you choose to get custom framed? Maybe you selected to custom frame a family picture, a diploma or certificate of achievement, original art or some form of memorabilia. You took your special memory and had a custom frame created just for that piece so you could display it for all to see. Now, it’s time to place it in your home so it can be enjoyed. Once you have chosen the perfect place to hang it you are faced with another choice. How are you going to hang your custom framed prize?
Before You Hang Your Custom Frame
There are several methods to choose from when it comes to hanging a custom framed piece. It will depend largely on the surface you are hanging it on and any limitations. For instance, if you live in rented property, you may not be allowed to place holes in the walls. No matter what way you decide is best for your custom frame, remember to use masking tape to help you get it straight the first time. Take a look through these methods and choose the ones that work best for you.
Basic Hammer and Nail Method
This is the most basic method used for hanging pictures around the home or office. The back of your custom frame may have a string or wire across it which can be used for hanging. Depending on the weight and size of the frame, a single nail can be placed in the wall for the frame to hang on. If the frame is wide or heavy, then you can place two nails in the wall to hold up both sides of the frame.
Using Picture Hooks
Depending on the wall you plan to hang the custom frame on, you may be able to use picture hooks. Most picture hooks are hammered into the wall similar to a nail, but some are designed to be pushed into the wall.
Using the Anchor Method
If your custom piece is comprised of a larger or heavier custom frame, you’ll need a more secure option. You can purchase either a toggle bolt style anchor, or a wall plug anchor. Please note, these will hold the frame securely, but they will leave a much larger hole than a nail or hook.
Adhesive Strips
Adhesive hooks are becoming one of the more popular ways of hanging items on the wall. The hook as an adhesive backing so they will adhere to the wall. Please read the instructions on the packet to ensure you know how to apply them and remove them without causing any damage. They will work similarly to using a nail, but without leaving a hole. Expose the adhesive by removing a plastic cover. Once you place it, the strip works like a nail. Make sure to check the weight capabilities of the hook or strip to ensure it can hold the weight of your custom framed item.
Need a Custom Frame in Atlanta?
Have you been waiting to get that special item custom framed? Contact us at Suburban Frames in Atlanta. We can custom frame memorabilia, posters, family photos, and more. Let us help you preserve your special memories!