Most of the time, you only see movie posters briefly when you go to the theater. However, a growing number of people are collecting them. They are quickly becoming a popular collectible. Collectors who are passionate about it search diligently to find vintage movie posters. Of course, they do all they can to protect them as they can sometimes become valuable pieces. In October of 2018 for example, there was a rare original poster from The Mummy valued at about a million bucks. A custom frame movie poster can be well protected and displayed where it will be enjoyed. To get started, examine the movie poster.
Before Custom Framing Movie Posters
Before you custom frame movie posters examine them carefully. This is particularly important if it is a vintage poster. Those are usually printed before the mid ‘80s and feature a National Screen Service number. This number represents the year of the movie and the order in which it was released by a studio.
If you have a poster featuring this mark, it could be valuable. However, there are a few dishonest dealers who like to fake the numbers and try to pass off posters that are not as valuable.
Please note that if your poster was folded, don’t fold it toward the opposite direction to keep it flat. This can make the paper weaker. A restoration professional can help if the poster is possibly valuable but in not-so-good condition. They’ll be able to apply a linen backing to it to provide support. These are commonly used on vintage posters and since it can be reversed, it doesn’t devalue it.
Choosing Materials for Custom Framed Movie Posters
You need to take the same care in choosing the materials used for custom framed movie posters just like when you custom framed prints. Choosing the right materials means preventing damage and extending its life.
Backing Boards
If you are framing a decorative poster, you can use regular foam board. It is lightweight and sturdy. Use acid-free foam board for custom framed movie posters. Many collectors use polypropylene because it repels water and is rigid.
Mat Board
Most custom framed movie posters don’t use mat board but adding one can hold the poster in place and keep it away from the frame. You also have the option of picture frame spacers which keep it from touching the frame.
You can choose acrylic or glass glazing for movie poster frames. Professionals at Suburban Frames in Atlanta suggest glazing that provides a layer of protection from UV damage. Choose acrylic instead of glass if you plan to move it much after getting it framed.
Wood or Metal Frames
You can choose a wood or metal frame for custom framed movie posters. However, a metal frame is often better than a wooden frame especially if the frame and poster will touch. Thinner frames are typically used for movie posters, but the aesthetics will ultimately be up to you.
Contact Our Atlanta Custom Framing Professionals
Most movie poster collectors are passionate about collecting them. At Suburban Frames, we think your passionate pursuit of movie posters deserves the right frame. Rather than displaying your prized possessions in a cheap, store-bought frame, let us help you choose a custom frame that is made for your movie poster. You can display your collection with pride.