Custom picture framing has unlimited possibilities. But if you are willing to explore a few other possibilities, there are some unique items that make exceptional additions to any décor. You can basically custom frame anything that lies flat. You may already have a lot of family photos or art displayed in your home. Other sentimental items can also make pleasing displays. Here are a few ideas for some unique items to custom frame to add to your décor.
Architectural Drawings, Maps, or Diagrams
Maps make interesting displays because they have a lot of vibrant colors and unique texture. And when a map or diagram tells part of your story, it can have special meaning. A custom-framed map of your dream travel destination or your home town could be a personal expression. An architectural drawing of your home or other structure can make a unique talking piece too.
Custom Framed Puzzles
If you’ve ever put together a jigsaw puzzle, you know it takes a lot of focus and determination. They can be beautiful in a custom framed display. The right puzzle can be a colorful wall accessory that demonstrates your hard work. It’s also a visually pleasing image. Custom framed puzzles are nice accessories for offices, playrooms, dens, living rooms, or hallways.
Pennants or Flags
You don’t have to put every flag outside on a flagpole. Custom framing a pennant or a flag is not only special to you, but it can also make a professional-looking display. Flags and pennants can complement wall spaces in offices and homes.
Custom Framed Stamps or Currency
If you took a long trip and acquired foreign money, you may not know what to do with it. You can put it away in a box and take it out every few years to enjoy it and the memories it brings to mind. Or, you can custom frame it and enjoy a colorful, unique display every day.

If you own your own business, you probably held on to the first dollar bill you were paid. Don’t just tape it to the cash register. Use a custom frame to give it a place of true honor.
Custom framed stamps can also make a nice colorful display. It may be a perfect solution if you are a vintage collector. You may enjoy the process if you just like to collect some of the newer modern stamp designs too.
Magazine, Comic Book, or Book Covers
Covers are a fun and personal display that spruce up an office or basement area. You may have a cover of one of your favorite literary works that would make a nice custom framed display. Your favorite comic book or magazine covers make unusual, appealing display.
Handwritten Memorabilia
Handwritten pieces can be one-of-a-kind items that are very personal. Postcards and vintage postcards can provide a weathered, old-fashioned look with tons of personality. Anything that’s been handwritten like recipes, birthday cards, or a simple note from your kid can be frame-worthy. Framing postcards you got from a loved one’s travels or love letters from your partner or spouse from years gone by can create a meaningful display.
Contact Us at Suburban Frames in Atlanta
These are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing. We can help you come up with ideas of unique items to custom frame. Contact us at Suburban Frames in Atlanta and let us help you custom frame your memories.